Words 101
It’s pretty hard to be efficient without being obnoxious.
Words 100
Never be afraid to sit a while and think.
Words 99
I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.
Words 98
Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time.
Words 97
Users should never have to guess if something is clickable or not.
Words 96
The price the user sees in their shopping cart should be the same as what the user is charged on their credit card.
Words 95
Showcase your best work, not all of your work.
Words 94
People overestimate what they can accomplish in the near term and underestimate what they can accomplish in the long term.
Words 93
It’s important to get away from work until you miss it.
Words 92
Taking time to sit back and watch is important – a million ideas will come to you.
Words 91
You know you’ve done something right when everyone at the conference table is smarter than you.
Words 90
Is web design an artistic undertaking? Or, is it a pragmatic process.
Words 89
We do not remember days, we remember moments.
Words 88
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination can take you anywhere.
Words 87
Set goals, reach, repeat.
Words 86
When Winston Churchill was asked to cut arts funding in favour of the war effort, he simply replied, “then what are we fighting for?”.
Words 85
The young are always coming up with the good ideas; it’s because they waste time. They follow their passion and do something, not looking for a payoff, just doing what’s interesting.
Words 84
Branding is what people say about you when you are not in the room.
Words 83
I want a life that other people tell stories about.
Words 82
Be passionate about whatever you do.
Words 81
It’s not that I have more energy. I also get tired. It’s more a case of choosing to use it.
Words 80
Treat every job interview as a success. You then have very little to lose once you get there.
Words 79
Old, wise or experienced?
Words 78
It is never too late to be what you might have been.
Words 77
Never miss the chance to dance.
Words 76
You have to create content before you can design it.
Words 75
If you want to complete a tax return or repair a dishwasher, go for logic every time. But if you want to overthrow a tyrant, write a sonnet, make something great or get people to think in a new way, then go for passion.
Words 74
Charisma appears to be a very special gift that’s easy to recognise in others yet dauntingly hard to inculcate in oneself.
Words 73
The painful truth is that, at work, we’re on trial all the time. Life outside the office is no different – you are subject to obvious scrutiny on the big occasions.
Words 72
Above all, encourage each other, and make the work fun.
Words 71
Writing a business presentation, writing a best man’s speech at a wedding, writing an after-dinner talk – these are all creative acts but they require preparation and structure.
Words 70
The vast majority of presentations today are done on PowerPoint. Yet PowerPoint is to communications what a microwave is to cooking – living proof that easier is not always better. And just as a microwave is the perfect short cut to bland food, so PowerPoint is the perfect short cut to bland thought.
Words 69
If you don’t have confidence in you, they won’t have confidence in your idea.
Words 68
The bigger the problem, the more valuable the solution.
Words 67
Have you ever watched a house being built from scratch? For months and months nothings seems to happen – then suddenly the house is there. When the base is properly in place, the rest is easy.
Words 66
You don’t need to escape to Yorkshire, let alone Marrakesh, to find some isolation – but you do need to find it.
Words 65
Unusual thinking doesn’t happen when you’re in a utterly usual space. You must find a new space to think in.
Words 64
So when you’re pitching to someone, you’re asking them to judge the future. Since knowing the future is beyond logic, their judgement won’t be based on logical factors but on emotional factors: trust, confidence, hope, ambition, desire.
Words 63
Life is too short so kiss slowly, laugh insanely love truly and forgive quickly.
Words 62
Always forgive your enemies, nothing will annoy them more.
Words 61
I never said it would be easy. I only said it would be worth it.
Words 60
You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.
Words 59
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
Words 58
If someone heard that you were a great company to work with (and decides to use your product / service / app because of that) and they then experience the exact opposite, it’s not only a neutral outcome. Instead that customer has an exponentially bad experience, because their expectation was that much more than theyContinue reading “Words 58”
Words 57
If I’m going to bitch about someone else’s work, what about my work? If I have a problem with how someone runs their company, how about how I run mine?
Words 56
You don’t change someone’s mind by telling them they’re an idiot. When’s the last time someone changed your mind that way?
Words 55
Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.
Words 54
If you find an element of your interface requires instructions, then you need to redesign it.
Words 53
Having small touches of colour makes it more colourful than having the whole thing in colour.
Words 52
Be friendly to those who enjoy your work and friendlier to those who attack it.