Workflow 24
Doing my best to Learn Sketch 3. We created Sketch specifically for designing interfaces, websites, icons …
Pictures 76
It’s been a long time since I’ve spent any considerable time in Adobe InDesign. Enjoying the experience, a few features that I would love to see in Photoshop.
Resource 03
A multi-page skeleton web project framework. A simple aim; create a basic, yet expansive web project template that you can download, use and deploy quickly. Bootstrapped LESS integrated stylesheets – commented, variables, mixins, retina ready, minified. jQuery & Google Web fonts ready. Mobile friendly design. View live website View on GitHub Please feel free to download and use in yourContinue reading “Resource 03”
Workflow 03
At Nutshell we use HipChat daily, resulting in CloudApp becoming a fundamental tool. The Auto-upload screenshot preference which I initially found frustrating has become a convenient way to quickly share content – visuals & text. It also serves as a running history of UI inspiration.
Workflow 02
A brief endorsement of Bootstrap – a mobile first framework for faster and easier web development. Yes, I know I am very late into the game. I eventually got onboard – very impressed.
Resource 02
A iOS 7 GUI template – a lightweight Photoshop document, containing all the major iOS elements to help you design your app. It’s a well organised, labeled and layered PSD of the latest version of iOS. Preview Download
Resource 01
A browser chrome template – a simple way to showcase your screenshots. An organised and editable Photoshop document; masked screenshot area, vector objects, editable text, colors & layer effects. Preview Download
Workflow 01
[youtube=] GuideGuide – the efficient way to set up a grid in Photoshop. Enter in a few numbers… magic… columns, rows, midpoints, and baselines – done.