
Words 17

Sound bites have a bad reputation. Unfair. Because they work. Power comes from explosive, cryptic phrases. So write short sentences. How short? Like this. Why? Because they’re easy to absorb. And think in simple chunks of information. It sounds simplistic but it works. Social speak is not work speak. Our social language is littered with interpolations such as ‘kind of’, ‘like’, and ‘sort of’. ‘Work speak’ in contrast needs to be precise. Needs to be focused. Needs facts, figures, tangibles. Words that take you from A to B. Words everyone understands.

Words 13

It’s attractive to see someone fired up. It’s not easy to be energetic when you’re very tired. And that phrase ‘I’m just so tired’ is filling the airwaves at present with so many bright young people oppressed by their own work and lifestyle. Build your energy by walking faster, setting yourself tough but achievable timelines, breathing deeper, drinking plenty of water (dehydration is one of the greatest de-energisers) and by staying on the move even when you are in the office.

Words 12

If you aren’t a good team player you won’t go far. The fastest way to make it in your career is to be a great team player. The way to stardom is to be a leader of a great team. It’s a much better place to be than being a brilliant but eccentric loner.

Words 07

When you wake up next Monday say to yourself ‘I’m going to have a great week’ and then try to make it actually happen. Be one of the few people determined to enjoy your work and you might get on faster and further than you thought. If you are going to succeed, it will start with your enthusiasm.

Words 05

The art & science of comprehension. Don’t anticipate what’s going to be said. Let it come to you. Earn a reputation for listening. Making fewer notes and paying greater attention will also make you better company. Good listeners are believed to be nicer and kinder people.