A little escape to break the routine.
I recently took some time away from work to gather my thoughts, relax and soak up some sun. My clearest thinking and strongest ideas happen when I’m away from my daily tasks; Meetings, Photoshop & Coda.

An inspiring read for any business owner
I also got to read a great book, World Famous – How to give your business a kick-ass brand identity by David Tyreman.
I became friends with David through my work at Nutshell. Amazingly we’re both from the same little town in Yorkshire – Harrogate.
David is an award winning, best-selling business author and world-renowned branding expert. He spends most his time in Las Vegas, but the last time he was in town, we met for drinks and he kindly left me a signed copy of his book.
[Tweet “Without a brand, a business is just a vendor – and vending is for machines.”]
[Tweet “Put your energy into inspiring rather than selling.”]