Design Leader Insights Podcast: Designing for Law Enforcement
I recently caught up with Alex Smith, Co-Founder at Fuego UX on their Design Leader Insights Podcast to chat shop on what it looks like to design for law enforcement.
UXDX Conference: Simplifying Design Processes for Team Efficiency
I had the pleasure of joining forces with other UX leaders to speak at UXDX Conference.
Tech Circus UX Live: Designing for Public Safety
I recently got invited to talk at UX Live. The focus of my talk was designing for public safety, why it’s different, and a practical example.
Future Of Design Forum: Diary of a Product Design Director
I joined up with TDA Creative for the Future of Design Forum to share some of the lessons I’ve learned in my career that helped me gain new perspectives.
The Product Design Podcast by UX Cabin
Recently, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Seth Coelen on The Product Design Podcast by UX Cabin. During the interview, I shared some insights on how to take your career to the next level and build a name for yourself in the industry.
ADPList Mentor Club
I’m officially a member of the ADPList mentor club! As a mentor, I have the privilege of guiding designers from over 40 countries with portfolio reviews, mock interviews, career, and leadership advice.
Leading Design
Last week I was fortunate enough to attend the Leading Design Festival. A virtual, 3-day conference hosted by Clearleft. Thank you Axon.
2020 Wrapped
Dear 2020, you didn’t go to plan. But that’s OK. I don’t blame you.
Always Adventure-Ready
4 weeks ago; I lost a job I loved, a team that I believed in, an annual bonus, and my US immigration status. Today I accepted a dream job offer. I wanted to write something about that experience. What I learned, how I felt, and the process of finding a job in a global pandemic.
That Hurt
Tuesday, March 31, I lost my job, alongside 349 teammates due to the spread of COVID-19.
Be Inspired
I could have planned this better…
Good Taste
More questions than answers
Stay Hard
January was hard. Work, super sick, short on family, training, and smiles. I even missed my first race of the year 😭.
A marathon, not a sprint
We don’t nearly celebrate consistency enough.
Maker to Manager
I recently attended a 2-day SNP Communications Manager Training Workshop. Yass!
Dribbble invite giveaway
Dribbble is a social sharing platform for designers. It continues to be our go to place for inspiration and it’s where you will find our latest work.
Pictures 110
A sucker for LinkedIn #stats. have a Google+ page
Now verified on Google+. have a dribbble page are now on @dribbble – a weekly preview of new design work and inspiration. have a Facebook page now have a Facebook page.
Exploring polls on WordPress
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Hej & velkommen is the tiny creative studio of designer, author, and speaker, Karsten Rowe, based in London SW19. This is my first post, I intend to share design notes, ideas & inspiration.